$1,550.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Monthly Plan - QA Automation 17 Group

Please Note:

Our payment plan involves a recurring charge of $1,550 that will be automatically deducted from your account each subsequent month.

The total cost for the monthly payment plan / Automation part amounts to $4,650.

The most advantageous rate is offered for upfront payment. ($460 savings)

Please select the rate that best suits you.


The only QA Automation Course you need to earn $100 000+ without any degree or previous experience.


What is included:

- A step-by-step online video course
- Feedback from course experts
- Everyday experts support
- Private chat for students
- Workbook
- Mentor support
- Webinars after each module with Sergii
- Closed QA club after training
- Access to the video course - 1 month after graduation
- Writing Resume
- Interview Preparation
- Certificate

Direct feedback and a lot of professional and advanced secrets from Sergii.